Amazon Gadgets to Boost Productivity
Today is day three of self-quarantining and “working from home” and it honestly feels like we’re stuck in the lull between Christmas and New Year all over again. I know there are so many students and parents still trying to process what this new reality looks like, and it definitely hasn’t been easy. Before getting into the meat and potatoes of this post, I first wanted to give a huge shoutout to grocery store workers, medical personnel, and anyone else working around the clock to make our lives safer during these crazy times.
Matthew and I are doing our part to help by social distancing and staying home except for grocery store runs + walks to clear our heads. One important thing I wanted to touch on, is that we are not doing this because we’re overly concerned about our own health, but rather due to our concern for the health and safety of others. I recently learned that those who have contracted COVID-19 are contagious immediately (before they even begin to experience symptoms).
I listened to an amazing Instagram Live that Arielle Charnas (@ariellecharnas) did yesterday with Dr. Deutsch (@drjakedeutsch) that was extremely informative. The key point I took away was, “If you think you need a Coronavirus test, then you should be self-isolating. Getting a test and resuming normal activity won’t flatten the curve.”
The bar and social gatherings can wait. I love this post that is going viral on Instagram, “our grandparents fought in wars for us. All they’re asking is for us to sit on the couch.” For me, this definitely helps puts things into perspective.
Now that I’ve said my piece, I want to get into a few Amazon gadgets that will help boost productivity for everyone working or taking classes from home. After a few days of isolation, these are the items I added to my Amazon cart.
Picture via Pinterest
Wireless Mouse | This wireless mouse is a game changer! It comes in 3 colors and is the perfect way to reduce hand cramps I get from using the mouse pad on my Macbook. Plus, I am a sucker for anything light pink.
Blue Light Glasses | Although I normally spend a lot of time looking at my screen every day, taking classes from home means that my screen time has grown significantly. I know there is an option on Apple products to reduce blue light by shifting to night mode, but I still like to keep my laptop in the normal mode because I’m not the biggest fan of the yellow/orange light it casts. I’ve been searching for blue light glasses for a few weeks now, and finally purchased this pair in pink!
Phone Stand | I had a few conference calls yesterday where I called in on my phone so that I had my laptop free to take notes. During the entire call, I kept picking up and putting back down my phone depending on when I was talking. This pink phone stand is too cute and the perfect way to prop up your phone or iPad during conference calls or just working in general.
Power Strip | I purchased my Macbook back in high school so it’s now kind of on its last leg. The battery lasts about 3 hours on a good day, and there are very limited convenient outlets in my apartment. This power strip not only has a 6-foot extension cord but also two USB ports (God bless) and comes in rose quartz.
AmazonFresh | The whole purpose of isolation and social distancing is that you are not overcrowding places like grocery stores. If you live in an area that is eligible for AmazonFresh, it’s definitely work taking advantage of.
One final thing I wanted to say is to make sure you’re looking out for your neighbors, friends, and family. If you have elderly neighbors, help them out with grocery shopping, picking up medications, etc. I love Jacey Duprie (@jaceyduprie), and she’s been sharing daily Instagram stories called #grantgivesback where she and her husband create these adorable care packages to give to family, friends, and neighbors who are unable to leave the house. It’s definitely the pick-me-up we all need, so go check out the stories!